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Blog posts & News

Why we shouldn't compare ourself to others

Why we shouldn't compare ourself to others

Have you ever think of while you want to be look like someone, as strong as others, as slim as others, there are also someone want to look like you? As a woman and mother, I can say it is quite challenging to keep up to the society standards!!! But the fact is, have you look back a few years or few months ago, how far you have come to? Not necessarily appearance wise, your mental health, your overall health, how confident you feel etc. There is no such thing as " Perfect weight " Or "Perfect body Shape" if all you do is " Comparing yourself to someone else". You have to understand those models and celebrities you are admiring they have professionals watching their diet and train closely, oh and don't forget angle and filters too!

In my opinion, perfect weight and perfect body shape is when you look into the mirror, feel confident about yourself, you can see how far you have come to, you feel good and healthy, you have adapt your lifestyle into your role( between work, family, friends etc) . Of course setting goals is essential, but don't let goals stress you out. If you slip off occasionally don't waste time to blame yourself, instead move on and start a new day.


All the best with your journey ❤


Lots of love,


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Every little progress counts

Every little progress counts

Every little progress counts
Good morning everyone! 
At times, we forget how far we have come to until we flip through our old photos and reminisce. Everyone's progress is different and a majority of us want results right away! But remember, it did take time (many years for some) to put on the unwanted extra weight/fat/health issues. So it will take time to reverse this. 
My previous me was obsessed with scale numbers, and as a result, I was depressed and anxious with my result for years. Comparing the scale numbers from now to what it was 12 hours ago would often be the norm. Then I would make excuses where that 100g weight gain could have come from. This continued for many years and every time I showed a little loss of weight on the scales, it was an empty victory as I dreaded how, where and when that extra kilo was going to show up.
Forward to my new Keto life, I don't weight myself often these days (maybe once in a Blue moon for curiosity). The way how I measure my progress and small wins are non scale measurements.(Some NSV suggestions are at the bottom of the post)
My goal on a Keto way of eating is to fix my health. Then surprisingly (duh...) weight loss happened, my mental health improved significantly, my energy levels are at a all time high. It was and is amazing to see the benefits of healthy fats and eating right!
3 years later being on Keto, I had a couple times where I went off for a month because of holidays, and I thought it would be me saying goodbye to some food which I may never see again (I needed to mourn my way😁). 
The aftermath is I suffered, suffered greatly with all the side effects from carbs and sugar literally rushing back to me. It took me quite some time to adjust back because the carb and sugar addiction is real, it does not want to let you go like a mutual break up. I felt it for weeks, and obviously everyone's body is different. But with increasing studies on Keto/Low carb eating, results are showing us that what we used to know and believe has changed. Types of foods we eat these days are different to what our parents/grandparents used to eat, we also have become more educate and aware on what foods we eat. There is more professionals who solely focus on research and are there to communicate and assist us to understand.
Whichever style of Keto you are on, as long as it works for you and you are eating a balance Keto (Not just bacon and egg please🙈) , I would like to wish you all the best and achieve your goal 🙌
Here are some non scale measurements which I use:
1. Take body measurements
2. Health conditions
3. Belt length
4. Clothing sizes
5. Ring sizes
6. Collar bones
7. Cheek bones
8. Mental clarity
9. Energy level
10.Skin conditions
11. Progress photos
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Switch your mind to "I want this, I will make this happen"

Switch your mind to "I want this, I will make this happen"

✏Blog ✏
Switching your mind to "I want this, I will make it happen"
Before kids, I used to be a smoker for 15 years. I thought I could never quit smoking because it was part of my daily routine/habit. Until one day, I decided I wanted to have kids, that very same day I told myself I have to quit right now, I want the best to my baby. And just like that, I quitted, I didn't go back or think about it because I really want my own child.
So what's my point?
Often we set new goals, obviously for a variety of reasons, we start and often get to a point we feel it is too challenging, and we naturally will start our excuses, our motivation decreases by the day etc. The truth is, doing something new or different we all will go through the stage of making it a habit and settling in. "If you want something bad enough, you will make it happen". Some people are more determined, some people take a little longer. Whichever way is fine too because you are making progress.
If you are new to Keto/ fitness, firstly you need to switch your mind to "I want this, I will make it happen" When we want something bad enough, we will always work our ways to make it happen. Don't start at a hardcore level, begin comfortable and start to include challenges. This more likely goes a long way to success.
All the best and don't let small setbacks stop you, they are there to show you, you are trying to get to a better chapter.
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Appreciate the little things ❤

Appreciate the little things ❤

Good morning! We all have different goals we want to achieve in life, sometime we may feel we are not doing so well and stress about results. The truth is having goals in life are important but appreciation on how far we have come is essential. If setting big goals work for you stick to that, on the other hand setting small goals that suit your own pace is fine as well! This is a reminder you probably know already "DO NOT COMPARE YOURSELF TO OTHERS". If you want your journey to succeed, you should spend the time working on how to achieve your goals instead of checking on others progress. Take note and appreciate the little things because one day it will all add up to become a big thing. All the best with your journey ❤
Reposted from @saltylifts - A reminder for you today, if you’re struggling in anyway, physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually
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Trust the progress

Trust the progress

I had my kids quite late, I was worried about the responsibilities and how it will effect my body. I was someone who was self conscious with my look, I always fantasized being slim like a celebrity/models. I gained 22 kgs with my first child, my body and weight was stubborn, no matter what I did, my size just stayed! 
Until I started Keto, I started noticing the changes. Not dramatically but steady. I never imagine my belly area can look like this again from 2 babies (my belly was huge while pregnant). I used to exercise 2 hour daily, 6 days a week. Now I keep my daily steps up, go for walk when I can and do my Sunday workout (I do lots of heavy lifting during the week with receiving stock😉). I used to eat food that I didn't enjoy and ended up binge eating. Now I enjoy my food, I allow myself to have some "Non- Keto" occasionally. Guess what? I may some days do overindulge myself with some keto treats but at least not a whole pizza! I don't blame myself and feel sad about what "Non- Keto" food I ate because I chose to have a flexible Keto lifestyle which I eat Keto most of the time but also allow myself to celebrate with people I love who aren't Keto. 
I believe you would have read this somewhere:
" Trust the progress! It may be slow but they will eventually show" It is never too late to start and feel good!
Keep smashing your goals and don't let anything stop you because you will eventually get to where you want if you keep looking forward!
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Does it really matter when the scale is telling me I am 15kgs away from my "goal weight?

Does it really matter when the scale is telling me I am 15kgs away from my "goal weight?

Does it really matter when the scale is telling me I am 15kgs away from my "goal weight"?
Let me tell you something-
On a Keto or any weight loss journey you are on, the hardest part is not about what food you should eat to help you loss weight; it is the habit, mindset, determination of yours that will lead you to your goal. 
I couldn't wear this coat last year because it was way too tight. This year I can wear it with some room to spare. My rings, my watch band, my bangles, my clothes all are loose on me. My skin, my health, my mind all are much better compared to last year. My face is shaping and my belly getting flatter. This is what I value! I may not have the super model figure but I am so proud and happy with my body! .
This is probably my hundredth time to say this and I know lots of you have noticed already, DO NOT LET THE SCALE DEFINE YOUR WORTH! I am so proud so many of you understand the scale is not the only thing to show your progress! Remember to find things that motivate you on your journey not stressing you! Mental health is as important as physical health ❤
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My Keto Journey

My Keto Journey

Keto, or known as Ketogenic has become popular in the past year. I remember when I started Keto Direct 11 months ago many people asked "what is this Keto you are talking about?". 
I discovered/started Keto because I wanted to get my health on track (I tried everything else without results). Keto may come across to a lot of people that it is a weight dieting fad, which is totally fine if it is your goal. Beside weight loss, it is also a way of eating for many of us to fix our health, mental and physical states.
Since 2 and a half years ago, from someone who take medication almost on a daily basis, visit doctors, specialists, doing different sort of tests on a regular basis. Any medical tests you can think of, I pretty much done. The result showed I was fine but, I felt so sick all the time. Until I met a health professional who was/is on a Ketogenic lifestyle, he open my eyes to see a whole different path. A path that many people thought was not a healthy way. Little did many know that eating high fat (healthy fat) and cut out all these staple carbs we been having all our life was the way. I must say it was tricky in the beginning because you need to re- educate yourself what food keeps you healthy. Also throwing away sugar and carb treats was tough.
2 and a half years later, my health has improved significantly, losing 3-4 sizes in clothing is a strawberry on top of a almond meal cake 😆. When I visit my GP,  they don't agree with Keto but they can't explain how my blood tests result come back all beautifully.
My conclusion has comes to this, I am not a professional, I can't give you all scientific figures and paper you need/want to see, but for 2 and a half years of being on a Ketogenic lifestyle, I have never felt better and I never thought I would have this energy to run my super hectic life. I can feel so recharge with only 5 to 6 hours of sleep. If you've just started your Keto journey, give it time, results will show. Keto on!
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Body Image

Body Image

Body image
A topic most of us have been through or going through. Coming from an Asian background, I constantly receive comments like "Oh all Asian are skinny", " You guys never put on weight " etc. The reality is, I wish it is the case😆. Back to when I was a teenager, we were trained/brainwashed into competition amongst family, friends and peers. "I wish I can be slim like her", " I wish I can be 45kgs", I wish I can have tiny waist like her" etc. Today, I am glad to say, I am happy with my current size, it doesn't matter if the scales is not showing me numbers on what "Society think is right", it doesn't matter that I am not a size 6, 4 or less, it doesn't matter that I don't have tone legs and arms like a supermodel, it doesn't matter I don't have abs like an athlete. 
However, it DOES MATTER I FEEL CONFIDENT about myself, it DOES MATTER how I FEEL GOOD about myself, it DOES MATTER my HEALTH is getting better, it DOES MATTER I LISTEN TO MY BODY and not exhausting it, it DOES MATTER I LOVE MYSELF and will take "Self Care Time"
There are so many different standards to define "Fitness & Beauty". The one thing you need to come to realize is if you don't see the good in yourself, you will never be good enough.
Start learning to appreciate yourself, everyone has strengths and weaknesses, no one is perfect but that's ok, because we are perfectly human.
❤Beauty comes in all sizes❤
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Keto Life

Keto Life

Sound familiar? I believe most of us at some point of our Keto journey would have said some like this at least once. We blame ourself how we had that apple, we stress out how much weight we will be putting on after that feast, we feel so guilty we had a slice of cake  at our best friend wedding. Let me tell you something, listen carefully, tomorrow it will be a new day, and YOU DO NOT NEED TO GO HOSPITAL AND YOU WILL SURVIVE! Remember, being on Keto doesn't mean you have to punish yourself by not celebrating with friends who aren't Keto, being Keto doesn't mean you should not go holiday and enjoy some non keto food. Being Keto means you are more mindful on what food does to our body, we understand what are the consequences if we eat non Keto food, we may go through Keto Flu, we may feel bloated, we may feel sick, or, just nothing happen. If you decide to live a Keto way of eating, you need to come to understand we all do have some non Keto food on some occasions, but then the next day we will get back on. As long as you don't let the old bad habit creep back in, then Keto life is still on. ✌
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How fasting/ eating pattern effect body weight experiment (7 days experiment)

How fasting/ eating pattern effect body weight experiment (7 days experiment)

How fasting/ eating pattern effect body weight experiment (7 days experiment)
Starting at 63.6 kg after a feast
Day 1- 62.7( mid- day) 
(after ends 18 hours fast 62.2)
Day 2- 61.3
Day 3- 60.8
Day 4- 60.3
Day 5- 60.3
Day 6- 60.1
Day 7- 61.2 (After a night out, last meal was 11pm) 
Side note- My period due in 7 days while I took this weight, within this period my body retain more fluid and weight can fluctuate somewhere in between 1 to 3 kgs.
Fasting pattern-
Day 1-18 hrs
Day 2-17 hrs
Day 3-16 hrs
Day 4-14 hrs
Day 5-18 hrs
Day 6-14 hrs
I have 2 meals a day, last meal will depend on my daily schedule. This week my last food intake time are:
Day 1-7pm
Day 2-8pm
Day 3-8pm
Day 4-9pm
Day 5-930pm
Day 6-11pm
Type of food-
Every meal includes:
Healthy fats (Eggs, avocado, butter, lard), protein, lots of vegetables.
Snacks- Pecan, cheese, macadamia nuts, protein chips, slim secret chocolates, jerky.
Water, tea, coffee, mct, collagen, ACV, electrolyte, green powder drink.
Activities/ exercises
Side Note: I am in my maintaining stage, I aim to tone and shape, my main goal for me is be healthy.
11 k steps
10k steps
8k steps
9 k steps
11 k steps
10 k steps
14 k steps
1 hr low intensity workout
Lots of movement, I move heavy boxes (stock) on a daily basis, taking care of the boys involves lots of movement. Walk the eldest to school, walk back 5 days a week etc
I personally don't recommend to use the scale for measuring progress because that numbers can fluctuate so much with different factors.
Conclusion- I did this experiment to show how numbers on a scale can change in only 7 days with -
1. Eating out x 2 (One night was a feast night), fasting etc. I have seen lots of people are stressing out when their scale number doesn't move or goes up when you are doing your best!I know what it's like, I was one of them too! But guess what? By stressing out "IT DOES NOT HELP YOU TO YOUR GOAL". Find methods and NSV (Non Scale Victory) to keep you motivated and stay focus❤
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How 3.5 week travelling/Indulging affects my body

How 3.5 week travelling/Indulging affects my body

How 3.5 weeks of indulging affects my body
In January I came back from a 3.5 weeks of holiday, it involved lots and lots of meetings with people, friends and families. I was in China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. 6 different locations with uncountable temptations (in foods). During the trip I gained 4.5 kgs which, honestly was much less than I expected because I been ate from 9am till 12am midnight most days. 
So how was it like to travel with Keto lifestyle in my mind?
In the first week my mind was still strong, I ate mostly Keto but maybe 5 times more than usual. I did have a bit of sweets/carbs here and there to try out something new. From the second week onward, I begin to allow myself to have bit more carb and sweet. Overall the whole trip I have stuck to Keto 50%.
The thing is, I was very disciplined before the trip, the 3.5 weeks of changing foods, it has effected my body quite dramatically, I believe different environment also partly responsible. (This is my personal experience which doesn't apply to everyone)
What happened (to my body/health)?
1. First time in a year my period was delay by 3 weeks
2. My face started having lots of flat pimples
3. I begin to experience stomach issue which, I haven't had since I started Keto
4. I had the worst flu and took over a week to fully recover. Whilst on Keto my flu usually took a couple days to recover
5. I felt tried and sleepy all the time
6. I craved for carb and sugary food, I was always hungry even though I was eating constantly
To be honest I am really suprised with how much my body reacted. I didn't think by eating differently for 3.5 weeks could do so cause so many changes to my body. I'm glad to be back on my Keto journey after a bit of sidetracking.
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From left to right

From left to right

From left to right:
What I have done?
As a mother of 2 young children plus running a business, time is one thing I struggle on a daily basis. Here are some tips on what can be achieve with a hectic schedule ❤ ⭐ Keto 90% of the time
⭐ Stay active, minimum 8000 steps daily, aim for 16000
⭐Aim for 2 to 3 days proper cardio/week
⭐Only compare myself to myself
⭐Self care, keep mental health in check
⭐Engage with supportive and positive people, eliminate the negativities
⭐Non scale victory in check. This keep motivating me as my weight hasn't change as much as I expected, but the clothes i wear are getting looser
⭐Do what I can and stop blaming myself and stressing out
⭐Fasting in place, most days following 16/8 rule
⭐Give it time and be patient
Best of luck on your Keto journey and be kind to yourself❤
#keto #ketogenicdiet #ketolife #ketofam #ketomum #ketojourney #ketosis #mumslife #business #homebusiness #ketoonlinestore #sydney #motherhood #myprogress #health #healthyfat #bepatient #progress #mummy #lazyketo #selfcare #aussieketo #positivevibes #goodvibes #intermittentfasting #ketoeats #lchf #lowcarbhighfat #ketoaustralia #bekindtoyourself
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46 results